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Dunny2013 Side Show Scavenger Hunt Winners!

We loved your Side Shows! Dunny2013 was a huge success and this is just one reason we had so much fun! We loved EVERYONE’S efforts, participation and excitement!

Here are the winners of the SDCC JPK Exclusive 8inch Exclusive signed Dunnys! Congratulations to all of the winners!

@dxjock “After hearing the story of Gullivers travel, the sideshow freaks had an uprising against the evil ringmaster when he was passed out from Canada Day celebrations”



sfsalamander #Dunny2013 WOW!



@neal_longcock “@kidrobot Scavenger Hunt Step 7 – Welcome to my Dunny Sideshow!!



@bufimax #dunny2013 #dunny #kidrobot The final part of the Dunny 2013 Scavenger Hunt. I predict you your Dunny picks for 2013. Dunny Zoltar – worked well for me with my Jeremy-Army ;) @jeremyville @mrscotttolleson @okkle @ardabusrubber @jonpaulkaiser @mrcrisrose @sergiomancini @carsonting @deadzebrainc @scribeswalk”



@theyellowdevil Celebrating my own sideshow opening party dressed as my favorite sideshow animal for the final assignment. #dunny2013 #kidrobot @kidrobot


Your Jon-Paul Kaiser Locodonta GID 8inch Dunnys are being signed by JPK today at SDCC, and will be shipped out after! Congratulations and wonderful work! We appreciate you!

The post Dunny2013 Side Show Scavenger Hunt Winners! appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.

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