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Event Wrap Up – A Very Merry Holiday Food and Toy Drive with J★RYU and Vampybitme at KRSF

Twas the season for giving last Friday (12/13) for J★RYU and Vampy’s Holiday Toy and Food Drive at Kidrobot San Francisco! Local fans, families, and friends gathered to show their support and generosity by donating new unopened toys and canned foods to the annual San Francisco Firefighter’s Toy/Food Program. All donators were given raffle tickets to win various donated prizes, including a care package donation from Dunny 2011 artist, DrilOne, as well as the grand prize Mega Munny and 3” Dunny customs by both J★RYU and Vampy!

As a token for their generosity, donators also received their own toys sketched by the duo themselves!

Be sure to visit the KRSF facebook for additional photos and coverage of last week’s event.

Also, be sure to follow J★RYU and Vampy at:

Twitter: @jryu
Instagram: @sniperjryu
Facebook: /IAMJRYU


Twitter: @vampybitme
Instagram: @vampybitme
Facebook: /vampybitme


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