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More fun releases around NYCC

With NYCC just a couple weeks away, we thought we would bring you some fun releases that might have slipped under your radar. There is definitely a little bit for everyone at the convention from Kidrobot to plush to resin, the convention season is still in full swing.

House of Darkly brings you the Werewolf Candy Corn. With only a single tooth and three colors this plush exclusive isn’t for eating and satisfying your sweet tooth.
The Four Horsemen will have a comanion set to their SDCC exclusive outer space men with the “White Star Edition”.
SubUrban Vinyl for has a slew of release lined up for NYCC, one of them being BUNNY BOOM BOOM from Jfury, with this exclusive Mountain Dew Color way limited to 10pcs.

Frombie will have two brand new resin figures 6″ Darth Zora and 9″ S2B2 that utilize everyone’s love of Star Wars.
Keeping with a Star Wars theme, Killer Bootlegs brings out The Ewoking dead at the Tenacious Toys booth. Yes a zombie ewok in an edition of 50 that is flocked resin with hand sewn cloaks.


More releases for NYCC coming soon

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