September 19, 2016
Allison Schmitz
July 13, 2011
SDCC Tips & Pointers – Exclusives and Signings
photo courtesy of Stacy Caillier
Now that you got the down low on attending panels at SDCC. Today we bring you some tricks to the trade to make your life easier when scrambling to get in on all those important exclusives and artist signings.
Here are the general dos and don’ts. You can thank us later. ;)
- Above all else, it is very frowned upon to bring family members or others to buy up multitudes of releases so you can flip them later. Every year you will see this in line and it is much disliked. If you are caught, plan to be ridiculed and called out extensively.
- Every exhibitor has a different way of handling releases and signings. There may be a general line, raffle, club members, etc. Also certain items are for sale during the entire con and some are just at certain times. I suggest making a schedule.
- Things change daily and even hourly with releases. This is normal since exhibitors are trying to figure out how to make things work best and smoothly. Sometimes, it isn’t up to them due to security changing how things are. What might be a first come first served situation today, might be a raffle by afternoon. Please give all exhibitors patience here because they are really trying to make this work best for everyone. So check with exhibitors often.
- When in line, listen to the exhibitors. The line might have a stoppage at one isle and continue along a far wall. Pay attention!
- Don’t be THAT GUY in line. You know the one that brags about what he/she has already gotten. Or the guy that holds up a Soto sketch displaying and flaunting it to all the tired restless con goers that have been in line for 4 hours now.
- It is very rude to bring a bag of things to get signed. Bringing one or two toys to get signed is common but there are always those that think they should bring 6 years of toys to one signing. This holds up the line, puts pressure on the artists, and is basically very rude.
- Don’t run in the halls. They will yell at you over the speakers. Also keep in mind, no matter what you do when doors open, there will already be a line if it is an early or mid day release. Many exhibitors try to stop people with exhibitor passes getting in line before the hall opens, but somehow they find a way.
- Most exhibitors take cash and credit cards, but cash typically is the best. Why? You are more likely to not get hit with tax if you pay cash.
- Bring a sketchbook. Some artists do sketches and some don’t. Please buy something from the artist if you plan to get a sketch, and don’t get multiple sketches. With this in mind, some artists are cool being confronted outside or anywhere at the con and will happily do a sketch for you, and some are not. It is hard to predict, but typically most don’t bother them outside their signing times unless they say something on their site/twitter/facebook.
- Go back to the exhibitor’s booths even when there isn’t a special release. Many will have goods for sale all during the con. Plus it is always fun to strike up good conversations, like talk hardcore with the S7 guys or how rad Hi Fructose is with Attaboy or screening on people with Wheelbarrow. Have fun!
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