Kidrobot Hoodies and Letterman Jacket Available Online Now!

Our good friend Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking is back in action with another blog. This time he tells us how important the new Kidrobot Hoodies and VIP Letterman jacket is!
In case you’ve been living under a rock, and I mean one of those heated rocks that you plug in for captive reptiles to lay on, then you’ve noticed that winter is here. How cold is it? It’s so cold that iguanas were freezing in Florida and falling out of the trees they sleep in. I’m 99% sure that’s a bad omen both for the chilly lizards and mankind. Kidrobot is doing our part to combat the elements with a new collection of hoodies and jackets. Not only will you look so stylish the paparazzi might start following you around, but you’ll have your body heat trapped to keep you toasty warm until the spring thaw. How toasty will you be? Just don’t be surprised if someone tries to smear butter on you and eat you for breakfast…cause they think you’re actually toast!
Check out the collection now at
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