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Kidrobot x Haru the Konpietō Fairy 8″ Dunny Online Now!

Haru 8 Dunny front

Haru is named after the Japanese word for “Spring” and the Korean word for “Day,” and they will brighten your collection in ways you never imagined! Haru is filled with mini GID Dunny friends and Konpeito “candies”, a traditional Japanese gift use to thank guests. Haru couldn’t be more excited to join your Dunny collection and its available online now at! Still not convinced? Here is a little extra something from our friend Chris Holt aka The Toy Viking on this new Kidrobot Dunny….. 

This time of year can be rough with the days being so short and the weather kind of gloomy, so how awesome is it that Kidrobot is not only kicking off 2019 with a brand new eight inch Dunny, but one that is as smile inducing as this one! This is Haru, whose name roughly translates to Spring Day, which is way more fitting than if it meant something like “Bringer of Decapitations” , because this dude is a stationary ray of sunshine. And do you see what his clear body is filled with? If you answered glow in dark mini Dunnys you’re halfway correct, because he’s also filled with konpeito, a type of Japanese candy given out to guests. All of the guests in my house leave with a healthy amount of cat hair attached to their clothes, but candy is good too I guess.

     You could start your year off with a pile of resolutions that will be forgotten by March, or you could score yourself a ticket to visual happiness. Plus, if you get a bunch of them they’ll save you a ton on your electric bill. That’s probably not true, but I’d really like someone to get enough glow in the dark toys to give it a try and let us know if it works.
Haru 8 Dunny front
Haru 8 Dunny back
Kidrobot x Haru 8 exclusive Dunny
Kidrobot x 8 Haru Dunny
     Available now at

The post Kidrobot x Haru the Konpietō Fairy 8″ Dunny Online Now! appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.



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