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NEW Andy Warhol x Kidrobot Can Mini Series Available NOW!

Warhol Can Series

Pop, art, vinyl…. this guy knows it all and this time Chris Holt, aka The Toy Viking is here to tell you about our new release of the Andy Warhol Blind Box Series released today on!

Sadly, roadside attractions are becoming a thing of the past, but Kidrobot has just made it possible for you to create your very own with this Andy Warhol blind box mini series.  In the spirit of hotels shaped liked elephants and vegetables that look like celebrities, you could now open the world’s smallest art museum by filling it with these objects.  All you would need is a doll house, a bunch of these soup cans that contain plastic and plush versions of Andy’s iconic work, a bit of advertising and you’ll have people coming from all over to partake in the experience.  Now would be a great time to make nice with your neighbors so you can utilize their front yards for parking.  I’m sure they’ll be cool about it.

The other great thing about these is that the cans are just as displayable as the amazing items they  contain.  How many times do you go to the store, buy anything, and are excited to not throw the packaging in the trash?  Not only are you saving the environment but you’ve got a ton of new ways to elevate (literally and in a design sense) your toy shelf.  Use em as an awesome back drop or raise your favorite figures above the others. 

Warhol Can Series

  Pick up a few right now from  

The post NEW Andy Warhol x Kidrobot Can Mini Series Available NOW! appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.



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