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Kidrobot Blog: Art, Design & Pop Culture |

The Kidrobot x DC Batman Dunny Mini Series Release

We dont need to shine a light in the sky...

Throwback Thursday Willy Wolf!

  Another Throwback Thursday Blog by our good friend Chris...

Kidrobot’s Show Me The Munny Event

This past Friday, August 4th, Kidrobot in collaboration with Rule...

Bob’s Burgers Pins Available Now!

Whats the story behind the new Kidrobot x Bob’s Burgers...

Kidrobot x Care Bear Keychains Release!

Care Bear keychains are here! Cute, small and new, we...

Yukky World Leif Spinach

Yukky World is bulked up and ready for release! Chris...

Yukky World Slippery Pete

Ya know who is a real joker?? Chris Holt and...

Yukky World Johan Mold Apple

An apple a day may not actually keep the doctor...

Yukky World Brock Broccoli

Chris Holt knows the story and here it is! Brock...

The Toy Viking Unboxing The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors Mini Series!

Things are getting slightly scary as KIDROBOT re-releases The Simpsons...

Yukky World Russel Sprout

Russel Sprout isn’t about to take his billing as “The...

Kidrobot x The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Mini Series!

 Its a little spooky how great this mini series is....



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