November 28, 2017

The 20-Inch Clairvoyant by J*RYU Officially Online

Kidrobot x Arcane Divination Clairvoyant Dunny
The end of the 2017 Arcane Divination series. Kidrobot has worked with J*RYU tirelessly to ensure the details of this mini series and the following figures tell the mystic tale of this tarot series. Here to say a little something else about todays release of the 20-inch Clairvoyant by J*RYU is our friend Chris Holt, aka the toy Viking.

Fun Flower Fact Brought to You By The Letter “C”: The Corpse Flower

Because you can never know enough random things, I thought I’d share this with you.  The corpse flower is a large plant that only blooms once every ten years, emitting a rotten smell that is intended to attract carnivorous insects to pollinate.  And you thought your online dating profile was a beacon for weirdos.

J*RYU’s Clairvoyant Dunny from Kidrobot may have exposed a skull hiding beneath it’s petals, but thankfully lacks the drawback of such a noxious odor. What other secrets this figure contains will vary based on the person that encounters it.  Some may find their time together with it enlightening and having instilled a renewed vigor into their lives.  Others may find what it reveals as unpleasant as the previously mentioned botanical.  You think it doesn’t know what secrets lie in your internet browser history? Oh, it knows, and it is disappointed.

Just in time for you to make an amendment to your Christmas list, this popular figure is now available as a 20 inch behemoth and comes complete with an 8 inch crystal ball companion.  Clear some shelf space, dim the lights, and take a trip behind the veil.

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