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Little Lotus Project x Army Of Snipers – Making It Happen!

After our recent interview with Army Of Snipers artist, J*RYU, the famed international art crew has gracefully received the full funding for their humanitarian art mission on the Thai/Burma border, Little Lotus Project. The participating artists of AOS on location are Angry Woebots, J*RYU, Ritzy Periwinkle, Sheryo and Peap Tarr will be out there through December 23. Documentarian Daniel Zana has also joined the crew, capturing this powerful project as a follow up to his first film, The Vinyl Frontier. Over the past few days, AOS has been teaching, creating and inspiring the impoverished students of the Blue Sky and SAW Schools in Mae Sot, Thailand. From painting murals, to making masks, to customizing MUNNYs, the Army Of Snipers are doing great things that will hopefully spread farther in spirit than they every thought possible.

Keep up with the progress of the Little Lotus Project on Twitter with @LilLotusProject, @angstwoes, @jryu, & @ritzy_p and on Facebook with Arron Woes Martin, J*RYU & Ritzy Periwinkle.


The post Little Lotus Project x Army Of Snipers – Making It Happen! appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.

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