Product Preview Futurama Hedonismbot By Matt Groening
Reminiscent of a Roman noble, Hedonismbot is 6 inches of gold colored reclining vinyl. Best feature: he is his own triclinium. Favorite past-times: eating grapes, vomiting, and being covered in chocolate icing.
Looking for an opera-orgy double feature starting November 21, Futurama Hedonismbot is available for $49.99 US (£40.10 UK, €46.50 EU) at Kidrobot stores,, and select retailers.
Just in time for Thanksgiving, Kidrobot encourages you to take in the spirit of Hedonsimbot and unapologetically take that extra heap of cornbread stuffing and go ahead and double up on Hedonsimbots!
The post Product Preview Futurama Hedonismbot By Matt Groening appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.
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