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Available for Pre-Order

Available for Pre-Order at!

Kidrobot fans have spoken and now we are giving collectors a chance to pre-order select art-toys, plush, and lifestyle products before they are officially released. For varying limited windows of time, we will add limited quantities of select items to the new AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER page at for a chance to pre-order months ahead of release.


Select Kidrobot items will be added to the page for select windows of time... 30 minutes, 24 hours, 3 weeks, etc. Many of the items are limited edition and give collectors a surprise preview of what is coming and a chance to place an order ahead of the release. Some of the items might be in the concept phase, in development, or coming soon and the lucky few that find them on the page at the right time get them. We add estimated release dates where we can however these release dates are not final and subject to change.

Collectors will have a limited window to guarantee that they will get an item if ordered during that window.  If the project does not go into production, your payment method will be refunded. Otherwise, all pre-orders cannot be changed or canceled once the order is placed. All sales are final.

Please Note -We recommend you place separate orders for pre-order items and in-stock items. Orders will not be fulfilled until all pre-order items arrive at our warehouse.  If you place in-stock items on an order with pre-order items, you risk items being sold out once the pre-order is available.

{{ filter[2].replace('_','') }}
{{ filter[2].replace('_','') }}
{{ filter[0].replace('_','') }}
{{ filter[0].replace('Isp-tag-','') }}
{{ collection.total_results }} results
{{ activeFilters.length > 0 ? 'Filter by:' : '' }}
  • {{ filter.value.includes(':') ? filter.value.split(':')[1] : filter.value }}
{{ quickView.title }}
Review Score Star
{{ rating.toFixed(1) }} ({{ reviews_count }})

{{ quickViewSku.value !== '' ? quickViewSku : quickView.variants[0].sku }}

${{ quickViewPrice === 0 ? quickView.variants[0].price : quickViewPrice }}
  • {{ variant.title }}
Select quantity
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Register to receive a notification when {{ quickView.title }} this item comes back in stock.



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