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Jon-Paul Kaiser

Jon-Paul Kaiser Art Toys, Dunny Designs and Arcane Divination by Kidrobot

Kidrobot has a long time relationship with UK based artist and art toy customizer Jon-Paul Kaiser.  His signature hand painted customizations have gained him a cult following with reinterpretations of other artists designer art toys.  The themes of his art span from fine art to pop culture to historical culture; exploring the themes of craft and class, history and nature to develop new characters and artistic avenues to explore. 

Jon Paul Kaiser joined artists J*RYUTokyo JesusGodmachine and Camilla D’Errico for the sold out 2017 Kidrobot Arcane Divination Dunny Series 1 based on Tarot cards.  JPK was named Artist of the Year at the 2017 Designer Toy Awards and in 2018 Arcane Divination won Best Mini Series and JPK also earned Custom of the Year.

Jon Paul Kaiser was featured in the DCON Designer Con Dunny Series and the Arcane Divination AZAZEL 5" Dunny by Jon-Paul Kaiser was also released in 2018.

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