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Scott Tolleson

Scott Tolleson Imperial Lotus Dragon

Kidrobot has worked with Los Angeles-based artist & 20-year veteran designer for Disney, Scott Tolleson, on many award-winning designer art toys over the years. At the Walt Disney Company Scott Tolleson has designed countless pieces for Disney attractions, parades, venues, and merchandise.

Outside of designing for Disney, Scott Tolleson's passion for designing art toys has earned him world-wide recognition in the designer toy scene including being named Artist of the Year at the Designer Toy Awards. Kidrobot is proud to call Scott Tolleson a close friend and brought his art to life in vinyl, resin, and print including recent projects like the City Cryptid Dunny Series and My Little Pizza project with his daughters. Past projects include The Shard Dunnys, Krampus 5" Dunny Art Figures, King Howie 8" Dunny Art Figures, the comic con exclusive King Howie 3" Dunny Figure, Pipken Preppy Labbit Art Figures, The Odd Ones Dunny Mini Art Figure Series, the award-winning Imperial Lotus Dragon 8" Dunnys and many more.  Collect this imaginative and award-winning artist's newest designer art toy creations right now at

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