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Kidrobot x Netflix Aggretsuko Toy Figures SanrioKidrobot x Netflix Aggretsuko Toy Figures Sanrio


Calling all Aggretsuko fans! Everyone’s favorite introverted red panda who’s just trying to get through the workday is available from Kidrobot in plush form and vinyl with the new Aggretsuko Medium Art Figures at Frustrated with her thankless office job, Retsuko copes with her daily struggles by belting out death metal karaoke after work. Aggretsuko has quickly skyrocketed in popularity thanks to her ability to tap into real-world problems with a uniquely millennial point of view captured perfectly in an aggressive yet relatable character. Stay tuned for more Kidrobot x Aggretsuko, just in time for the new season of the Aggretsuko series on Netflix.

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