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Tristan Eaton

Tristan Eaton is an artist’s artist who’s so good at what he does that other artists might want to burn all their works and move to a cave in the Himalayas to die alone. Except he’s evolved so many times that his next step might be Himalayan cave-painting – you never know. You can’t hide from Tristan- he’s everywhere. Completing giant murals, creating 3D paintings, publishing books, releasing limited edition posters, biting chunks out of politicians with his “Uprise” series, continuing his father’s fascinating work through his Legacy Project, and whatever other dozens of things he’s got hiding up his sleeves. But here at the Kidrobot office, of course, we still celebrate Tristan as the creator of the Dunny, our infinitely reinvented art figure that has been a canvas for many incredible artists since its birth in 2004.

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