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OPERATION: BLINDBOX – SDCC Daily Costume Contest

UPDATED: 7/16/2012

To many art nerds and pop culture fanatics, San Diego Comic Con is a combination of all the best holidays wrapped up into one. You get to take time off work, dress up in crazy costumes and buy a whole lot of new toys! This year, Kidrobot challenges you to another round of OPERATION: BLINDBOX. Now is your chance to win a mysterious assortment of production samples, KR apparel, random accessories and beautiful bits of broken plastic — plus, each mega blindbox contains a sold out Birro the Clown Dunny by Chauskoskis and a super exclusive signed edition of Dead Kenny from South Park. The daily winner will walk away with a smorgasbord of unobtainable KR goodness. Be sure to follow us on Twitter @kidrobot all during SDCC for more details and live updates of the competition.

Preview Night:

Dress up as your favorite Matt Groening character

Congratulations to Radioactive Man’s sidekick, Fallout Boy Milhouse!

Day 1:

Dress up as your favorite Labbit

Hats off to our Day 1 winner — Yankee Pig Dog Labbit.

Day 2:

Dress up as your favorite Andrew Bell toy

Oh yeah “Oh No Sushi” wins best Andrew Bell toy for Day 2 of OPERATION: BLINDBOX.

Day 3:

Dress up as your favorite Huck Gee toy

Hello My Name Is Dunny takes the cake for Best Huck Gee toy costume! Congrats!


The post OPERATION: BLINDBOX – SDCC Daily Costume Contest appeared first on Kidrobot Blog.

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